Learn how to pay less tax by managing your facts.
Tax Bracket Management is the foundation of tax planning. Tax Bracket Management is about when you pay your taxes.

You don’t need to be a CPA, EA, or CFP to be a tax bracket manager. What you need is the best tax planning tool for retirees and an understanding of how tax brackets work.
Tax planning starts with tax timing or when you pay taxes. When you pay has nothing to do with paying on April 15th or October 15th. It’s about paying tax today, tomorrow, or never.

The key to remember is it’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep.

In retirement you need a tax plan that accounts for how you convert your assets to paychecks. Tax bracket management is the critical first step in extending the longevity of your nest egg.

To pay less tax you need to change your facts. Changing your facts requires a basic understanding of how tax brackets work.

The US tax system operates under a progressive tax rate system. Each dollar flows through its respective tax bracket. Stacking on top of each other where each dollar gets tax more and more.

Tax bracket management looks to find tax bracket imbalances.

Join our free Tax Bracket Management mini course to begin your journey to become a tax bracket manager.
In this free course you will learn:
- Why tax bracket management is important.
- What is tax bracket management anyway?
- How tax brackets really work.
- Who NEEDS tax bracket management the most?
- How to complete a Roth Conversion analysis using the Tax Bracket Manager